Recently, our son’s “girlfriend” was over for a play date and we were eating lunch. They are keen to observe that things are different in our family, and like all 4-year-olds, they’re full of questions. However, with our 4-year-old, it has started to come up among his friends. We have no problem acknowledging our sexuality when it comes up. Fortunately, we think we’re perfect just the way we are. Having a child is almost like hanging a big sign on you that says “YES, CLEARLY WE ARE GAY BECAUSE WE ARE TWO MEN/TWO WOMEN WITH A CHILD.” Because we’re parents, every time my spouse and I go into a restaurant, store, theme park (kill me) it’s pretty obvious to everyone around that YES, WE ARE A GAY COUPLE. It doesn’t mean you have to introduce yourself in every situation as gay - “Hi, I’m Frank, nice to meet you also, I suck dick.” But inevitably some situations will call for you to claim your gayness. You meet new people, get new jobs, move, etc. Instead, it’s the beginning of a lifetime of coming out.
It’s not as though when you do it, an email circulates to the entire world and everyone instantly knows.
As every LGBT person knows, coming out of the closet isn’t some grand global event that happens once in your life.